Sunday, May 19, 2019

  • Monday 5/20: Rehearsal goes till 4:30pm. Please send a snack and drink for your child to have after school and let them know what it is for so they don't eat it during the day. Please be prompt with pick up. I know it takes a while to get through the line when it is full cast and I have to pick up at daycare :)
  • Wednesday 5/22: Rehearsal goes till 4:30pm. Please send a snack and drink for your child to have after school and let them know what it is for so they don't eat it during the day. Please be prompt with pick up. I know it takes a while to get through the line when it is full cast and I have to pick up at daycare :)
  • Thursday 5/23: Rehearsal goes till 4:30pm. Please send a snack and drink for your child to have after school and let them know what it is for so they don't eat it during the day. Please be prompt with pick up. In addition, I would like you to send in your child's costume on this day for review. Please send it in a bag, labeled with their name. They will not be wearing the costume, I just need to confirm that they have them.
  • Tuesday 5/28: Rehearsal goes till 4:30pm. Please send a snack and drink for your child to have after school and let them know what it is for so they don't eat it during the day. Please be prompt with pick up.
  • Wednesday 5/29: We will be having two performances during the school day for students only. We perform right away in the morning so it is important that you send your child to school dressed in their costume with light makeup already applied if they are wearing it. (Do not send makeup to school with your child) Hair must be pulled back off their face. Please send an extra set of clothes for your child to change into after we perform. They will bring their costume home after school. Parents do not attend these performances. (We consider them our dress rehearsal for the evening performances.) There is no after school rehearsal this day.
  • Thursday 5/30: No rehearsal this day.
  • Friday evening 5/31: Students should arrive at 4:00pm in their costumes with make up and hair ready to go. We will perform at 5:15pm and 7:00pm. Students will have pizza and cake in between shows. Tickets are available at the door. We ask for a donation of 2$ a person for tickets, there is no limit to how many people can attend. Friends and family can attend either show or both shows if they like. If you are not planning on attending the second show please plan to arrive back at the school by 8pm to pick up your children. 

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