Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Looking forward...

     Thank you to those who signed up for our Fifth Grade Play! If you have not yet signed up and would like to please email me directly. 

The audition will be held in the Library at 2:45 on the day you are scheduled. You should receive a confirmation from your homeroom teacher of your audition day before break.

For the audition each child needs to memorize one part from one of the audition scenes. You may not use the script during the audition process.
During the audition the judges will score each child's ability to speak clearly, loudly and with emotion as well as their ability to memorize.  These scores will be used to assign speaking roles.

Before the day of the audition please fill out the audition form with your child.

I am looking for two or three parents to coordinate volunteers for the “behind the scenes” elements of the production. I rely on parent volunteers to help with the backstage elements so that I can concentrate on working with the students.  It is very important that the parent coordinator job is filled to ensure the children have the best experience possible.  Please consider volunteering to help with the production. There are minimal props and costumes and the backdrop is already created for this production.

Thank you,
Ms Moores

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Play Auditions Announcement

I am pleased to announce the that the 5th grade play this year will be Peter Pan.

If our child is interested in participating please read the following list of dates:
January 10th and 11th: Auditions after school 2:30 – 3:30pm (Only one day required)
January 29th - May 9th: Rehearsals Mondays and Wednesdays 2:30 – 3:30pm
May 14th - May 16th: Tech week (rehearsals go till 4:30pm)
May 17th: School Performance for students (During the school day)
May 18th: Friday evening performances for friends and family

If your child is able to make this commitment please click on the Permission Slip link
on the right hand side of the screen. The link will open up after school on Friday
December 15th.


Ms. Moores