Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tech Week Details

  • Hi Parents! 

  • It's the week of the show!!! It is going to be a very busy and exciting week. Here are some of the details as you plan the week. 

  • Tuesday May 30th: 
  • We have a full cast rehearsal immediately after school till 4:30pm. 
  • Students should bring an extra snack and water as it will be a very long day for them, especially with field day. 

  • Wednesday June 1st: 
  • We have a full cast rehearsal immediately after school till 4:30. 
  • Please send your child to school with an extra snack and water. 
  • Please send your child to school WITH there costume today. Make sure it is in a labeled bag. They will leave the costume at school for the Friday performances and bring it home Friday afternoon.
  • We will take a full cast, in costume picture on this day.

Thursday June 2nd:
  • We have a full cast rehearsal immediately after school till 4:30. 
  • Please send your child to school with an extra snack and water. 

Friday June 3rd: 
  • School performances are for students only, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Please contact me if this is the case. 
  • Students will get dressed at school.
  • Please send your child to school with their hair done. Anyone with long hair must have it pulled back and out of their eyes/face.
  • Full stage makeup is not necessary, but light blush and lipstick is optional. Please do this at home as well. Do not send makeup to school with your child. 
  • Students will bring their costume home at the end of the day in case it needs to be washed.
  • There is NO afterschool rehearsal on Friday afternoon.

Saturday June 4th:
  • Students should arrive at school at 3:00pm
  • Doors will open to the audience at 4:00pm
  • Students should arrive dressed in their costumes with hair (pulled back out of face) and makeup already done. 
  • Students will be given pizza and cake in between the two shows so no need to send in food, but please send a labeled water bottle so they can stay hydrated. 
  • In between shows students will go to the gym for the cast party after greeting their "fans".
  • After the show please make sure that any costumes or props that were given to your child are dropped off in the gym (we reuse them in future shows)

Please continue to check your email for last minute updates and changes. Feel free to contact me for clarification.

Ms. Moores

Friday, May 5, 2017

Practice! Practice! Practice!

It is time for students to "get off book". This is the theater way of saying learn your lines. Students need to be practicing their lines for a few minutes every day. The best way for a student to practice is for them to have a partner read their "cue", the line before their line, and for them to then say their line and so on. It is important that students become familiar with the line before their line as opposed to just memorizing their own lines.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Calling All Artists!!!

It is time to design the cover for our production of The Wizard of Oz! The contest is open to ALL 5th grade students.

·     The cover must be on regular 8 ½ x 11
white copy paper and drawn in black and white.

Please orient the paper vertical as shown

·     Please include:
a.  Title: The Wizard of Oz
b.  Written by: L. Frank Baum
c.  Adaptation by: Kathryn Schultz Miller
d.  Performed by: Crisafulli Fifth Grade
e.  June 2nd and 3rd 2017
f. Remember to include your name 
on the back of the cover (not the front).

·     The rest is up to you. Be as creative as you want! I will be choosing up to three covers to use for our program cover.
·     Please have covers turned in to Ms. Moores by Wednesday May 10th