Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hi All,

Well this is certainly unprecedented times that we are experiencing right now. I wanted to reach out and give you and your child some ideas for how they can continue their work on the play over the next couple weeks while we are unable to rehearse. Of course none of this is required but I thought it may be a way to keep them busy :)

I have uploaded the Link to the script tab in case your child has lost theirs or left it at school. 

SONGS: I have also uploaded youtube videos of the songs and lyrics that are in the play. Students can listen to the songs a few times each to familiarize themselves with the tune and lyrics.

LINES: This is a great time to learn lines. We can get a lot done in a short amount of time if students come to rehearsals with their lines memorized. When working on lines with kids read the entire line before their line. This gives them an idea of what they will hear before they are supposed to say their line. 
Students would probably enjoy setting up a virtual playdate to review lines as well. Facetime or other applications can be used for students to work together to read through scenes. 

Please let me know if you or your child has any questions or concerns. I am always available via email. I will certainly be making plans going forward if we have to miss more rehearsals, but for now this should get us started. 
Ms. Moores

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Dear Parents and Students,
   You will find the cast list to this year’s 5th grade Play, Reluctant Dragon under the cast list tab. As always I was amazed and thrilled to have SO many wonderful students auditioning. It was truly difficult to cast parts, as there were so many talented kids who auditioned. I could have cast the play a zillion different ways, but in the end I had to make some tough decisions. I know that there will be some disappointment as there always is when dealing with a casting situation. I am also confident that as soon as we get into rehearsing, the children will find the joy and excitement in their given role.

I look forward to our FULL CAST read through this Friday, March 6th at 7:30am in the school cafeteria. Please do not drop your students off earlier than 7:25am.

If you have any questions regarding casting or rehearsals (a full schedule will be sent home at the read through and posted on the website) please contact me at

Ms. Moores

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

                          January 21st, 2020
Dear Knights and Ladies,

I am pleased to announce our annual 5th grade play at JAC will be
Reluctant Dragon, adapted by Kathryn Schultz Miller. 
The 5th grade play will be open to all 5th grade students.
Rehearsals will be before school on Wednesdays and Fridays
starting at 7:30 am. Parents will need to be able to drop their child
off at school in order to participate. 
Below you will find a rehearsal outline and performance dates. 
Please check this schedule carefully before making a commitment
to participate in the production.

February 12th  and 14th: Auditions 7:30 AM (Only one day required)
February 26th through May 29th: Rehearsals Wed and Fri 7:30 AM
June 4th, 8th, 9th: Dress Rehearsals after school till 4:30 PM (Mandatory)
June 10th: School Performances during the day (Mandatory) 
June 12th : Evening performances for parents 5:15 and 7pm (Mandatory)

To sign up to participate in this production,
fill out the online permission form located on the right hand side
of this screen.  I will accept the first 50 responses.
If your child plans to participate I must receive the form no later
than Friday, January 24th

If you have any questions regarding auditioning, rehearsal requirements,
or the online permission slip please feel free to contact me,
Ms. Moores, at