Sunday, May 13, 2018

Tech Week Details

Monday May 14th:
  1. We have a full cast rehearsal immediately after school till 4:30pm. 
  2. Students should bring an extra snack and water as it will be a very long day for them, especially with MCAS in the morning. 
* Please send your child to school WITH their costume today. Make sure it is in a labeled bag. We will make sure everyones costumes are approved. They will leave them at school for tomorrow's dress rehearsal.

Tuesday May 15th:
  1. We have a full cast rehearsal immediately after school till 4:30. 
  2. Please send your child to school with an extra snack and water. 
  3. We will take a full cast, in costume picture on this day. Students will bring their costumes home today.

Wednesday May 16th:
  1. We have a full cast rehearsal immediately after school till 4:30. 
  2. Please send your child to school with an extra snack and water. 

Thursday May 17th: (School Performance Day)
  1. School performances are for students only, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Please contact me if this is the case. 
  2. Please send your child to school with their costume on and a change of clothes for after the school performances if needed. (It is a half day)
  3. Please send your child to school with their hair done. Anyone with long hair must have it pulled back and out of their eyes/face.
  4. Full stage makeup is not necessary, but light blush and lipstick is optional. Please do this at home as well. Do not send makeup to school with your child. 
  5. Students will bring their costume home at the end of the day in case it needs to be washed.
  6. There is NO after school rehearsal on Thursday.

Friday May 18th: (Evening Performance for Parents)
  1. Students should arrive at school at 4:00pm
  2. Doors will open to the audience at 5:00pm
  3. Students should arrive dressed in their costumes with hair (pulled back out of face) and makeup already done. 
  4. Students will be given pizza and cake in between the two shows so no need to send in food, but please send a labeled water bottle so they can stay hydrated. 
  5. In between shows students will go to the gym for the cast party after greeting their "fans".
  6. After the show please make sure that any costumes or props that were given to your child are dropped off in the gym (we reuse them in future shows)

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Dear Parents,
It is getting to be that time when we need to start thinking about costumes. I am sure most of you are already thinking about it. Thank you all for being patient as I made my final costuming plans.
The costumes are very simple. Please find your child's part below and read the description. If you have questions please contact me.

             If your child is a Pirate (This does not include Smee or Captain Hook) they should wear any combination of solid BLACK and RED (this should be a primary, bright red). I am not picky on the style of clothing; shorts, t-shirt, pants, or a skirt would all be fine. If possible, use things you already own. 
(No prints, no logos please) I don't want this to be a huge additional expense :)  When it is their turn to be on stage they will be adding minor costume pieces that will add to the effect. These pieces will be provided so you don't have to worry about them.
             If your child is a Lost Boy they should wear any combination of solid YELLOW, BROWN, and GREEN. These should be earth tones. (No prints, no logos please) I am not picky on the style of clothing; shorts, t-shirt, pants, or a skirt would all be fine. (NO logos please) If possible, use things you already own. I don't want this to be a huge additional expense :) When it is their turn to be on stage they will be adding minor costume pieces that will add to the effect. These pieces will be provided so you don't have to worry about them.

  • If your child is a mermaid/Indian they should wear any combination of purple and blue. (No jeans please, No prints, No logos please) Other than that I am not picky on the style of clothing; shorts, t-shirt, pants, or a skirt would all be fine. If possible, use things you already own. I don't want this to be a huge additional expense :) When it is their turn to be on stage they will be adding minor costume pieces that will add to the effect. These pieces will be provided so you don't have to worry about them.

             Mother, Father, Crocodile, and Nana may choose a costume appropriate to their character. No need to be super fancy, but we want the illusion that you are the character. Feel free to contact me if you are uncomfortable creating the costume on your own or if you just want to run an idea by me.
             Peter Pan's Shadow should dress in complete black.
             If your child shares a role with another cast member then their costumes need to be coordinated. This includes: Narrators, Peter Pan, Wendy, John, Michael, Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, and Smee. My primary objective with the main characters is that all members playing the same role look similar. For example all three Wendys should be wearing similar clothes. This helps the audience follow the frequent changes in character. As long as the costumes are appropriate to the character and coordinated between the multiple roles, I am very flexible. I do not expect the character to be super fancy, we are just creating the illusion of the character. The most important thing is that your child feels comfortable in their chosen costume. Send me an email if you have questions regarding your child's costume or need contact info for the other children's parents.
I hope this gives parents an idea of what I am looking for. I know there will be lots of follow up questions and that is ok. I want this to be as stress-free as possible. Simple is ok! :)

Friday, January 26, 2018

Script and Rehearsal Schedule

Hi Everyone!

    Now that the excitement of the cast list is dying down it is time to start thinking about the play :) Your child will be bringing home a copy of the script as well as a rehearsal schedule. They may highlight their part and I also suggest you highlight the days they are required to attend. Your child will not be needed at every rehearsal. Please note which scenes your child is in and which days they will need to attend. Your child should attend if it says "FULL CAST REHEARSAL" or if they are in the scene being called. If you are confused as to which scenes your child is in please ask. I have also posted the rehearsal schedule and script online in case either is lost or you need quick reference during the day.

Let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing all the kids on Monday!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Cast List...

Dear Parents and Students,
            Below you will find the cast list to this year’s 5th grade Play, Peter Pan. Thank you for your patience. I understand that waiting is the hardest part. I was amazed and thrilled to have so many wonderful students auditioning this year. It was truly difficult to cast parts, as there were so many talented kids who auditioned. I know that there will be some disappointment as there always is when dealing with a casting situation. I am also confident that as soon as we get into the rehearsing the children will find the joy and excitement in their given role. Over the next week I will finalize changes in the script and put together a full rehearsal schedule. I am also putting together a parent email list. Please watch for parent updates through email as well as your child’s mail.  When you receive the schedule please read it carefully as your child WILL NOT be attending every rehearsal. If you have any questions regarding casting or rehearsals please contact me at


                                                                                                Ms. Moores

Our first full cast rehearsal will be this coming Monday January 29th. Please remind your student that they will be attending rehearsal that day and pick them up promptly at 3:30. 

Winkie: Anya T.
Sparkle: Charlotte A.
Flashy: Rebecca W.
Stellar: Alyssa J.
Shimmer: Anya G.
Flicker: Anshika S.

Mother: Priyanka R.
Father: Shlok G.
Wendy : Kaylee B.
Wendy 2:  Rosie D.
Wendy 3: Chelsea W.
John: Shreyas G.
John 2: Nicholas J.
Michael: Yash S.
Michael 2: Colby M.
Nana: Katie H.
Peter Pan: Aiden L.
Peter Pan 2: Ethan M.
Peter’s Shadow: Bella C.
Tinker Bell: Zoe S.
Tinker Bell 2: Tanya D.
Captain Hook: Shubhang V.
Captain Hook 2: Ian H.
Smee:Nadia S.
Smee 2: Irith M.

Tattoo Billy: Sachi R.
Skylights: Heer M.
Noodler: Kanishka M.
Krusty: Gauri A.
Tricky Zen: Bella C.
Daring Daniel: Nikhil P.
Honest Henry: Tyler P.
Crocodile: Nate L.

Lost Boys:
Tootles: Martha K.
Nibs: Anna S.
Curly: Sasha W.
Twin Harrietta (Harry): Julianne F.
Twin Terry: Keira G.
Slightly: Emma B.
Bouncy: Cammie C.
Doodles: Juliette T.
Tiger Lily: Anya B.

Mermaids/Indians: (These students will be playing the role of both a mermaid and an Indian)
Great Big Little Panther: Anoushka B.
Spirit Wolf: Izzy V.
Leaning Bear: Sanvi L.
Pearl : Emma L.
Starfish:Neha J.
Moonglow: Sophie K.
Ripple: Abby Y.
Shelly: Julia P.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Cast List

Thank you all for your amazing performances at auditions! You are all making my job very difficult and also very exciting!!! I am busy working out whether I will be doing call backs this week. I will announce Wednesday whether callbacks will be necessary. The official cast list will not be posted till the weekend.