Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Performance Schedule Update


There has been a small but important change to our performance schedule. The school performances have been moved to 
Thursday June 4th. The school performances will be in the morning during the school day. 

Due to this change I have also changed the times for the evening performances on 
June 4th. The first evening performance will be at 5:45pm and the second with be at 7:30pm. This change should give students more time at home before the afternoon call. I am hoping this will give them energy to perform 4 shows on one day...

The changes are all reflected on the rehearsal schedule. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thank You!

Hi Parents!

Our first couple rehearsals are off to a good start. I wanted to thank you for your time and patience with pick up. It should go faster as we get into a routine. Thank you for waiting in line and not driving around other cars. This ensures the student's safety as they load into the cars.

In addition please remember that after school uses the playground and black top as you drive out of the building. It is very important that you remain at a SLOW speed all the way around the circle and down the driveway.

The office and I have had several questions regarding the rehearsal schedule. Please refer to the calendar on the website. Your child can also check the board outside my classroom. If I make any changes I will always make an announcement via the website and outside my classroom.

Thanks again!
Ms. Moores